
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Our crazy Friday nights :)

After a hectic week and our house looks like a tornado blew through it...the last thing I should be doing is enjoying a cup of coffee and looking at pics of Jack and writing in this blog~oh well there's always time for cleaning~ha! This was my first week of being part-time with my little man and it was wonderful! We had the perfect mix of daddy and mommy time and even though Jack is teething we got through it smoothly :)

It's amazing how much our friday nights have changed. Friday nights used to start at around 10:30pm...and go until 3 am sometimes later. They included random dinner dates, random bars, and then random people around a bonfire inhaling fumes from a burnt mattress. Well we still had the burnt mattress on this friday night :) but it's the other little things we do that make me smile. We always have about a half hour where we all three sit outside and CHILL. Whoever had the babysitting duties is exhausted and whoever had the full work day is exhausted and we both take turns loving on the little man. He's definitely taking after his mommy and daddy because he's such an outdoorsy boy!

It's the little things that excite me now on Friday putting Jack to bed and coming out to see that Pat is bagging up the milk from the past few days~a chore that I don't like doing for some reason?? Who's husband takes it upon themselves to bag up breastmilk haha...I love it. I love seeing all the last couple days extras and can't believe that my tiny boobs have somehow fed my chubby cheeked little boy and I still have tons to freeze...go team!

The little things like hearing Jack grunting like a little "groundhog" while he nurses himself to sleep. This friday I worked until 530 and we both were craving each other by the end of the day. Once he starts to nurse you can see the stress melt off my shoulders and Jack's eyes start to go up, up, and back into his head. He melts into a little warm ball in the crook of my arm and it's the best feeling I've had all day! At around 3:45 whoever is babysitting has mentioned that that's the point where he's sick of the bottles and ready for mommy time. We basically are "on demand" parents right now...if he needs a nap, he gets a nap, if he needs a snack~he'll get a snack. I feel like at this young it's way way too early to set a schedule especially when breastfeeding~~you gotta keep up with those growth spurts somehow!

Once he was asleep we did what any normal family would do. Grab the baby monitor, grab a beer, and burn a neighbors mattress :)

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