
Monday, April 18, 2011


This is his I want Boobs and I want it now...why is it taking you so long to realize this face. Nursing was what I thought the hardest part of labor...getting started was rough. But, now after that first month it's the easiest thing and has been great for me and Jack. I was afraid it wouldn't work for us, but now I don't know what I'd do without it. It's our time...he loves the skin to skin contact and no matter how upset he is...he loves to nurse. I thought nursing would be awkward or get in the way or be a pain...actually today I did bottles and it was SO much more time consuming and I'm obviously used to just plopping on a couch and feeding...not worrying about heating anything up, getting clean bottles, and washing them. We hold hands, I play with his toes, he sighs and falls asleep. It's a mental, physical, emotional bond that I can't even explain, but I'm already dreading the day that it will stop :(. I know the day will come, I just hope he doesn't self wean any time soon. I can't believe my milk alone has filled those chunky cheeks with nutrients since he popped out! With his milk allergy and reflux it's so great that we started out nursing bc he would've been a MESS on makes reflux/gas worse and we probably wouldve started on cow's milk~~yikes!!

There has been the baby buzz on my phone and also there's a fbook page called The leaky Boob that is amazing! They have thousands of nursing moms (fellow leakies) on the leaky boob to answer whatever your ? is...they also post ?'s facts each day that are very informative! The woman who started the leaky boob is actually trying to get grants/further the site...I think it's awesome what she has done for a topic that is little discussed in public. Women send text pics of where their nursing in public and how! It's great at calming my nerves about it, and they even have a video on "how-to" NIP~nurse in public...ohh the terms I'm learning :)

I pray that our little bond lasts atleast until he's one!

Tips on nursing (I need to read these when we decide to have another baby):
Go to Lactation consultant at first thought of stopping/thinking milk is drying up/having issues

Have people you can talk to...even online to help you

Get my brestfriend nursing pillow

Always have a glass of water by you or else your husband will be your water bitch :)

Nipple cream and Motherlove those first weeks is amazing

Trust that it's a science and your baby is getting enough even though you can physically see the milk!

Pumping is weird at first, but then you'll catch yourself handsfree, eating, pumping, and on the cell~~I almost answered the door for the mailman one time pumping~~oops!

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