
Thursday, April 28, 2011

I never knew humor...

I thought my life was pretty funny before Jack. I thought things couldn't get funnier than drinking with my friends and the hilarious things that would happen during some drunken night. I thought doing our ridiculous dance moves, annoying our significant others, and random cab ride conversations at 3 am were hilarious. I thought college was funny. Looking back at calvert street porch convos, random nights at Dill street bar, and all-out gaudy and revealing halloween costumes it couldn't get more hilarious, right?

Parenthood is hard and difficult and I think God throws in humor everywhere. Well, atleast I like to think he does it to keep me sane! I didn't know the real humor in life until I had Jack. Real humor is getting peed directly in the mouth at 4 am because you are literally falling asleep standing up and then you realize your changing a diaper. Jack also found peeing on mommy funny. Real humor is being so worried about pumping enough milk before going back to work that you forget to even hook the bottles up to the pump and it takes you 8 minutes to realize that the warm sensation on your lap is milk spraying everywhere. Real humor is pouring the 6 cups of water onto the countertop instead of making it into the coffee pot and proceeding to find your cell phone in the fridge when you look for the creamer. Real humor is running so late to work because you want your son to nurse as long as he feels like and then rushing to brush your teeth you somehow get listerine in your eye. Real humor is almost opening the door for the mailman with your nursing bra flaps down and honestly not caring or knowing how long you've been "roaming free" throughout the house (woops!).

During these sleepless nights and days it's easy to get into a rut and complain and think that all these random nuisances are just making you late to work, or late to an appointment, or just annoying. But, I feel like it gives you a chance to sit back and laugh and enjoy some of the hilarious small things that you'll look back and miss. God must know that I need this humor on my first weeks back to work :)

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