
Monday, August 27, 2012

Whoa I'm pregnant?

SOO I knew I wanted to have another baby around when Jack was 2-3.  What I wasn't planning in my head was the fact that you were pregnant for a whole 9 months basically a whole freakin year....I somewhat started panicking in June when I realized that I hadn't even had one period since having Jack in 2011 and that if we were planning on baby #2 I'd obviously have to be somewhat fertile.  I also did NOT want to be super pregnant in the summer months~~I can't imagine dealing with the heat and swelling in july/august! I guess God had a plan that we had no idea about.  Turns out I must of become fertile when I had that thought and when Jack starting to slowly wean from daytime nursing in June.

When I went to my OB in March she was mentioned nursing not being a total 100% birth control.  I actually asked, "without periods, how do people know that they're pregnant, without buying 1,000 tests throughout the year?" she answered that when you are nursing a toddler and become pregnant you will know as soon as you become pregnant I promise.  I didn't really believe her, and wasn't really thinking about getting pregnant yet, but I did know my lil man loved to nurse and we could possibly be nursing well after 2 years old so I thought I'd ask.

One thursday I drove home from work and felt like total hell.  It's that dry mouth, pukey, tired, ready to either pass out or puke feeling that hit me like a ton of bricks.  I called Pat and told him for some reason I think I'm pregnant.  He started laughing, and totally thought I was crazy, but I made him buy pregnancy tests on his way home from work.  He said there's no way, your nursing Jack your working your running around like crazy there's just no way.  Negative Negative and negative.  I knew it though, something was telling me I was pregnant.  Friday night came and I took another negative.  Saturday night came and I was having girlfriends over for wine and Pat had a bachelor party.  I filled my coffee cup with ice water and deep down knew.  Pat wasn't even supposed to stay the night at the bachelor party and I ended up calling him and telling him to stay the night and have a blast for both of us bc it might be a while before we're partying again.  I think that's when he knew I was serious ;).  Saturday night I noticed I left a pregnancy test out from earlier that day and there was a super super faint line??? Was I hallucinating? Was it an evaporation line?? Who knows....but the next morning Pat came home and I took 2 more tests and sure enough the positive lines started to appear.  Yep I could've taken the digital, but they actually need an hcg level of 50 to trigger positive and the first response only needs a 25 :).  I think me and Pat were both a little shocked and just thankful that it happened SO quickly and without us really even knowing it!!! Baby rooney #2 is due march 12 2013 Jack will be 25 months and it just worked out more perfectly than we could've ever planned it! 

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