
Thursday, August 30, 2012

boy girl boy girl boy girl ahhhhh

Sooooo, now that people know that we're's been like a week haha.  The question is gender, gender, gender.  What do you want? what does Pat want? what do your families want yada yada.  It's still way way too early to tell.  Actually on ultrasound at weeks 11-13 all babies, boy and girl have little nubs sometimes they just lay at different degrees/angles so it's a risky time period to try to tell gender.  Last week I could've sworn I was having a girl just by the way I felt and scanning myself, and this week I think it's a boy so it's totally up the air.  We already have one healthy hilarious little boy, and not gonna lie I kind of want another little boy and then a girl.  Yep I want three kids, and Pat's still on the edge of 2-3, not sure if he can deal with me pregnant again haha.  I know some of our families are routing for a girl, but I really think boys need a brother to run around play and be rough with.  Also, there's just something about a boys different bonds with their mama and their dads that I had NO idea about. Yes, I'm sure girls have these bonds in their own way too, but growing up in a house full of girls it's really neat to see Jack bonding and so in absolute love with Pat.  It's so different from what I was used to with all the drammma with females lol It melts my heart every single time.  I remember when I first found out I was having a boy with Jack I was slightly freaking out because we come from a family of mainly females and I was worried we would have no idea what to do with all those extra parts haha.  Now, I really can't imagine life without him! The bond he has with me is so different than the rough and tough making daddy proud bond that him and Pat have.  I can't wait to be wearing high school hoodies and routing on the football team (hopefully I'll understand football by then) or soccer or whatever he chooses to do.  So my answer to people's questions, if we got to choose gender would probably be to have a boy and then down the road have a little girl if Pat can deal with me pregnant again ;) I'm sure pat's answer would be 2 boys and done ;)

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