
Monday, December 6, 2010

Let it snow!

Well in Indiana it's now snowing. Which is crazy to me, because in the heat of the summer I always told myself that when it's snowing I will know that it's almost time for Jack to make his debut~~OH MY GOD it's snowing lol!! This weekend we had Lucy's 1st BDAY!!!! It was adorable...I can't believe she's one. I still remember every detail of that night, Melinda was on a texting and words with friends roll and suddenly there were no texts no contact and I had heard she went in for an emergency c-section. All of us friends were calling/texting back in forth at 1-2 in the morning worried like crazy something went wrong. Then, we finally heard mommy and baby were ok and I saw my first pic of Lucy and fell in love with the little glowworm :)

Today Jack had the hiccups (again) he's been getting them alot lately, but I love it because it means he's practicing breathing and sometimes you don't see that until 36-38 weeks :). He gave me two great 3d pics today, he never gets his foot/hand away from his mouth so it's really difficult to work around can't believe how limber he is!

Last night we put up the bookshelf/toy storage and put the books away. I started reading the different messages in each book and they are all so sweet that I couldn't help but tear up. He will absolutely LOVE them! I also read some of the books that people had said were their favorites and they are all so special!

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