
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Happy Half Bday Jack

Ok I really really can't believe this but our Lil man is 6 months old. Part of me can't believe he's already turning 6 months and part of me can't believe there was part of my life without him.

To my Jack on your 1/2 bday!
You are the *most* amazing gift and me and your daddy love you so so so much.

At 6 months old you are about 16 lbs and growing like a weed! You are "mobile" in your own crawl that you've made's more of a non-graceful dragging, but hey you get from point A to point B fairly quickly. You can walk in your walker and you love "walking" when someone holds your hands. You are starting to giggle and find your mommy and daddy hilarious (I mean who wouldn't?). Our lives are so enriched with love for you my little man. I can't imagine life without you. Before I had you I imagined being able to leave you for a night to go camping, or out with friends. I can honestly say that there has not been one night in 6 months that mommy hasn't put you to sleep~~annnd I wouldn't have it any other way :). Your a momma's boy and I'm going to soak it up while it lasts!!! Your not a snuggler, but you love to snuggle when you nurse so poor Daddy doesn't really get many Jack cuddles anymore. Nursing is your favorite thing in the world, I thought maybe at 6 months we would be at a stopping point, but you have other plans in mind :) which is OK with me! Coincidentally, August is actually "National Breastfeeding Awareness" month and I may get some pictures taken of you doing your favorite past-time. There are some AMAZING photographer's in our area offering mommy & me nursing photos this month and I think it's a great idea!

We had a rough start in those early months, between reflux, ear infections, and milk intolerances....but my sweet baby boy pulled through. I can't wait to watch you grow more! Time is flying by and we are so busy these days, but remember you'll always be my lil baby groundhog!!!

I <3 you so much!!

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